July 2024

Greetings Liberty Families!

On behalf of the school community, I am excited to welcome you back to another year of learning, growth, and discovery at Liberty Elementary, home of the Legends! Whether you are a returning family or new to our community, I extend a warm welcome and look forward to an amazing year ahead.

Our Liberty staff is dedicated to supporting our students to reach their potential. We offer a variety of opportunities and programs such as Dual Language and Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) for students to participate in and flourish.

We believe that a strong school community is essential for student success. We will continue to offer a variety of events and activities to encourage parent and community involvement. Stay tuned for more details on how you can get involved.

I look forward to our partnership and work together to ensure that our students have the foundation, skills and well-rounded experience needed for continued success in their educational endeavors and beyond. Your involvement and participation at Liberty are encouraged and welcomed!

We are committed to maintaining open lines of communication with our families. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or suggestions you may have. Together, we can create a supportive and nurturing environment where every child can thrive.

We look forward to a fantastic year ahead filled with learning, laughter, and memorable moments.

Warmest Regards,

Nicole K. Dougherty
